Sunday, October 18, 2009

Schedule? What Schedule?

I started feeling better today, and come afternoon, I was ready to get out of the house for a while. Laurel had a tough night last night, as she got a bug similar to what I had, and Sue stayed up with her and was a little tired, so Bryce was my adventure partner today. I didn't really have a plan - I just wanted to see what was going on in town.

En route to the Jardin, we stopped at a book fair for while, which had yet more Aztec-style dancers doing their thing nearby. Next stop was the Jardin, where lo and behold, there was what appeared to be a car show going on. Bryce was thrilled! Actually, it was a preview of La Carrera Panamericana, a re-enactment of a famous Mexican road race from the 1950's. There were several classic race cars on display, which we caught the last few minutes of before they zoomed away through town:

Cool race car leaving the Jardin

The race starts next week, and comes through nearby Queretaro on Sunday, so we plan to check it out.

After hanging in the Jardin for a while, where Bryce unsuccessfully tried to buy Laurel a present from an upscale clothing store with 15 pesos, we headed over to Parque Juarez, where I showed a couple Mexican boys some poi tricks (they asked about la mariposa) and Bryce frolicked in the playground, occasionally mixing it up with some of the other non-English speaking kids.

Tonight as I write this post, we see random fireworks, and a castillo going off at a new location - likely a church deserving of it's own special celebration.

There's nowhere we've found to learn about these events. The big ones like the Alborada are published by the local paper Atencion, but the small things just seem to appear. I've learned that the street vendors are a good source of information about goings on in the Jardin, and the Office of Tourism is worthless. Even Antonio doesn't know about a lot of events.

Today I just figured out that the best indicator of something happening are the huge bottle rockets that go off during the day that act as a dog-whistle for anyone interested in seeing something interesting. I'm better than most at unstructured day-planning, but this even stretches my American sensibilities a bit, and it makes it hard to plan a family day. But the surprises are fun. I'm slowly getting used to it.

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