Monday, October 26, 2009

Waldorf, Silicon Vallley Style

We're starting to notice the Waldorf-school effect on Bryce and Laurel. They have started becoming more and more creative in making things. Just yesterday they made several balloon animals, and then spy bracelets, cell phones and computers using markers, tape, string and construction paper. Romy and Fernando were into it too. Here's some of their creations:

Waldorf style cell phones

The kids have come up with a neat blend of our gadget-filled world in San Francisco, and the make-anything-from-anything culture of Mexico. Sue really likes this sort of art project as well, and she's been great at encouraging them. This upcoming week is Halloween and Day of the Dead, so there will be more cool art to come.

Speaking of creations, here's a great photo of Bryce with his Lego airplane creation that Ann-from-Baltimore took this last weekend:

Bryce with his Lego plane

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