Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bugs Bunny opens a Restaurant

It's Thursday - date night again! Our friends seemed to be unavailable tonight, so it was just Sue and me. First stop was the Sunset Bar, with two for one cocktails, live music and a great seat overlooking the activities on the street. $8 got us two margaritas and two glasses of white wine. It's become one of my favorite spots.

Next, just up the street, was a "natural food" restaurant we've been meaning to try called El Tomate. As is often the case, we were the only customers, which in this case was great. The waiter Mariano came out, told us about the menu and recommended some dishes. Then Mariano put on his hair cap, and became the cook, and made us an exceptional salad of beets, green beans and hard-boiled eggs, followed by two tasty pasta dishes. Mariano was also the sommelier, and recommended a great glass of Argentine wine. It was like something out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

It turns out that Mariano is the owner, which after all the above is not surprising. He is from Argentina originally, and uses a lot of his mother's recipes in the restaurant. His English was exceptional too. We had a great meal, and felt really special, and being the only patrons in the restaurant didn't hurt either.

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