Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Normally Wednesday is my special evening with Bryce, but since he was still infermo, Laurel and I got to have a special night out together. Our mission was to buy some Day of the Dead stuff for both home and school. Day of the Dead is November 1 - the day after Halloween.

One part of town has a collection of tents set up just for Day of the Dead. You can buy candles, some cool paper cut-out banners that make scary shadow images, and alfeñiques, which are these amazing sugar sculptures. Traditionally alfeñiques were sugar skulls, but the art form has evolved to encompass all kinds of things, including animals, cars, coffins, and other interesting sculptures. And the amazing thing is that everything is edible. Here's a photo I took of one of the booths:


Laurel and I bought two cut-out banners, three skulls, a car and a dog. The dog and car were Bryce's request for his Day of the Dead altar, to memorialize our departed dog Bailey, and the Lexus we used to own.

Next stop was dinner, and Laurel suggested a Jardin Burger, which I knew she'd eat so I said OK. At the hamburger stand, we met a nice couple from Alaska. who bought a house here three years ago and live here as artists eight months out of the year. The other four months the husband works on a fishing boat. It's amazing how many nice people you meet here.

At the Jardin, a Cuban band was setting up, so we spun poi together, then stayed for a while and listened to a few songs before Laurel was ready to go home. Once she went to bed, I went on our patio, sipped some of my special tequila and listened to the band some more. Even though we are far away, the acoustics are such that you can really hear what's going on in the Jardin.

Laurel and I had a great outing together. Her consumer Spanish is coming along nicely, as she was able to purchase the alfeñiques and a Jardin Burger (with bacon, cheese and ketchup) all on her own. She has a beautiful accent.

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