Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Clay and Anne-from-Colorado were kind enough to invite me to their "exclusive" country club today. Malanquin is about 10 minutes from the center of town, and has golf, tennis, a nice pool, a small playground, a weight room, lockers, and a restaurant. Clay told me that they require a marriage certificate for families to join, and his theory was that they didn't want mistresses of the male members in the club. They also supposedly do a background check on new members. The clientele seemed evenly split between Mexicans and Americans.

Apparently, it's $500 to join, and about $200/month, which is steep by Mexican standards. I was able to be a guest for about $10, and I enjoyed the pool during my visit. The facilities were nice. Here's some pix of the place:

Malenquin inside

Anne coming out of the pool

I got a good workout, which then made it easy to justify going to the Tuesday Market and trying some tacos with carnitas and sesos (brains). The carnitas were yummy, and the sesos just OK.

My kind of morning...

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