Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fabrica Aurora

Fabrica Aurora

One of the places we've heard much about, but I have never visited, is Fabrica Aurora - a collective art gallery in town. San Miguel is known as an artists haven, and given my experiences with the Artisans in the mercado and other stores around town, I expected more of the funky, inexpensive stuff.

Entering the building quickly changed my mind. Fabrica Aurora has some really high end artists, furniture makers, and other assorted artists. Most were American, and there was a lot of incredible stuff there, so much so that we didn't get to see it all. But it was very inspiring.

The building is really cool too. It's an old textile factory, and they still have many of the machinery on display co-mingling with the art gallery.

Art and old textile machinery co-existing happily

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