Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Hour

After recuperating from a busy day at school, Sue and I met up with some friends as we had planned. It turns out Laurel and Bryce were invited to go to their friend Fernando's Ranch (of Liz and Fernando), and when given the option both kids were an emphatic "yes", so we were on our own.

First stop was at Christopher's house (Ann from Texas's husband), who had bought a gallon of his secret "San Miguel hooch" and offered to split it with me. The story is that he gets it from an ex-CIA agent, who befriended the famous Don Julio tequila maker. When Don Julio died, he bequeathed a lifetime supply of his special house-made tequila to the CIA guy, who in turn sells it to anyone who shows up at his house. It's actually really good, and inexpensive (about $22 for a half gallon), so I came by to pick up my share. We hung out for a bit, and Christopher and I planned to meet later that night for the Alborada festival.

Next on the way home was Sam and Ann from Baltimore's house for cocktails and snacks. Their family has become a frequent stop for Enrique, a local eight-year-old Mexican kid, who seems to arrive at all hours of the day and has his own version of societal rules. Ann had given him some old clothes previously, and now Enrique won't let them alone. The latest was that Enrique begged and begged to borrow one of their bikes, and Ann finally gave in, making sure to tell him not to lose it. Twenty minutes later, Enrique comes back to the house for something - with no bike. Ann asks him where the bike is, and Enrique says "en el Parque" (in the park). Naturally, Ann freaks out, but fortunately Enrique returns with the bike shortly, and carrying some sort of trophy for her as a gift. So Ann is slightly flabbergasted, and is ready for a cocktail.

It turns out Ann and Sam have made an offer on a house here. They planned to be here for at least two years, and maybe three, so financially it makes sense. We joked that they did this just to ditch Enrique.

Sam also plans to meet Christopher and me later at the Alborada. Since I know I will be out very late, I come home and take a two hour disco nap.

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