Thursday, October 15, 2009

Breakfast San Miguel style

Sue was off early to classes today, and I had a mission to accomplish.

I got up early (for me) at 8:15, had a quick shot of juice, and went walking on a similar route to yesterday's adventure. Going down Calle Barranca, I came across a great looking fresh juice place. At home, I'm addicted to Odwalla, but here I'm relegated to Jugo de Piña (pineapple juice) in a box, which is OK but not ideal. So I was psyched to find this:

Juice stand on Calle Barranca

They had all kinds of tasty looking fresh squeezed juices on display. I got a green antioxidant concoction with nopales (cactus), pineapple juice, spinach, grapefruit juice and some other things for about a dollar. After drinking it, I felt great.

The next stop was the real goal of my mission, the no-name tamale shop next door to La Granja. I've been there twice before in the afternoon, only to discover that they were sold out, and I was determined not to let that happen again. This time: success! Here's what it looks like:

The no-name tamale shop

Buying the yummy no-name tamales

I bought seven tamales for about $4, including two pollo verde (green chicken), two queso rojo (red cheese), and two puerco rojo (red pork), and one pollo mole (chicken with mole sauce) Oaxacan style, which was wrapped in a banana leaf, rather than a traditional corn husk. Not being one to believe in delayed gratification, I walked three blocks to the Jardin, sat on a bench, and ate the Oaxacan tamale. It was kind enough to pose for a picture on a bench before I devoured it:

Oaxacan style tamale

My tamale was moist and tasty. And the Jardin was the perfect place to chill and enjoy my prize.

After such a great breakfast, I had loads of energy, so I did a couple more errands, bought flowers for the house, and walked up our steep hill back home. I felt great.

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