Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No More First Graders in Class

Our little Waldorf school is doing well. It seems they have found a niche with combining Mexican and American families, and they have seen a lot of new incoming transfers (all of whom speak English) since we started in August. So much so that our combined first/second grade has been split into separate classes, and they have hired a new teacher for the first graders. There are now about twelve kids in Bryce and Laurel's class.

The upside is that our kids get more attention now, and Maestra Catalina doesn't have to try to combine lessons for kids with a wide range of abilities. The downside is that Bryce and Laurel made some friends with the first graders, and they are sad to not see them so much any more. Plus, the first graders were probably easier to speak Spanish with.

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