Friday, October 30, 2009

Alex's Party

"When I'm in San Miguel, I become just like my Avatar"

The above quote, and many more gems, came from Alex (Alexandra), the hostess of a party I went to Friday night. Alex hosted a birthday party for Ann-from-Texas, and we were invited. But since Sue was starting to come down with the horrible stomach bug that Bryce had, I went alone.

Ann had told me that she had some really fun friends that would be at this party who had been coming to San Miguel for a long time, and she was absolutely right. This was a group that had met ten years ago, and now either live here or have been coming back at different times every year. There were a lot of really interesting people, and I had conversations in both English and Spanish. Alex was particularly interesting, and my friend Jim (of Jim and Adrianna) and I wound up staying until 2 AM just hanging out and talking with her and her friend Holly. I hope Sue gets to meet Alex, as they would really hit it off as well. But the fact that Sue wasn't there allowed me to stay late, since Sue rarely is out past 11 PM. It was a great party.

Alex built Casa Colina, which is one of the houses we looked at on VRBO when searching for a place here. She also has a blog of her adventures in San Miguel.

I'm amazed at how social it is here, and how easy it is to be social. It seems like we see a lot of people in San Francisco, and I feel we're pretty active, but it's nothing like what's happening here. I attribute it partly to the influence of the Mexican culture, and partly due to the kind of people that come here. I'm really having fun.

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