Monday, October 26, 2009

Variety Day

Sue and I felt like a walk today, and since we didn't get our weekend nature fix, we decided to further explore El Charco Ingenio - the nature preserve up the street. And since we had no kids with us to slip into the gate, we would have to walk through the main entrance. It's a worthwhile cause, so when we arrived we bought a membership for $40, and were given a key to the gate.

They have a neat store at the entrance, where you can buy honey, mead, artwork, books, hummingbird feeders and more. There's an attractive health food restaurant as well. We went to a part of the preserve we hadn't seen before, and came across a greenhouse for all kinds of exotic cacti. The whole place is well cared for. Here's one specimen I really liked:

Cool Cacti

After running into Ann-from-Texas who was chaperoning a school group with her son, we walked back home, then decided that lunch was in order. As we went into town, we discovered the Burrito Bistro (only the second burrito place I have found here). It looked good, so we went inside. As we went upstairs, we saw a Haight-Ashbury sign, which made us feel at home. The restaurant had all kinds of neat artwork on display - and for sale. I ordered a taco salad, which was superb, and Sue got a Mediterranean plate with tabouleh, falafel and Baba Ganoush which she enjoyed. Plus, it came with a yummy Thai coconut chicken soup.

Like our meal, today had a little bit of everything - work, nature walk, city walk, kid time, and more. Nice!

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