Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sick Day

We were all set to give Bryce a special day off from school today. I was going to take him to the La Gruta hot springs this morning, and Sue had him scheduled for a trip to the Tuesday market afterward. Since Bryce loves swimming and shopping, it was going to be a great day.

Unfortunately Bryce came down with some sort of tummy virus, and had to spend a sick day at home instead. He slept a lot, and watched a bunch of Spanish TV.

Laurel has been feeling a different kind of sick - homesick. The last two days she has cried for her friends back home, but then returns to the normal perky Laurel shortly thereafter. Having the first graders move to a different classroom may have unsettled her as well. Plus, Halloween is coming, and she is probably unsure of what it will be like here, since it's pretty awesome in San Francisco. Today is also rainy, which compounds the mood. We'll try to do something special tomorrow.

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