Monday, September 21, 2009


Antonio - our driver

My time with Antonio has been one of the best experiences of being here. I often get to ride with him to deliver the kids to school, and he's taken us on a few side trips as well. Although he is a little more expensive than the local taxis, I look at it as a Spanish lesson with a free car ride.

Antonio is 48 - just like me. He has two boys in their twenties. One is married, and is about to have Antonio's grand kid. The other kid is not yet married, and is also having a kid, and will be married shortly. He has lived in San Miguel all his life, and when driving through town, it seems like he knows everyone.

His English is really good. I asked him how he learned, and he said it was from just driving people around. He used to be a teacher when he was younger - he worked at a ranch, and had a class of 40 kids, with no classroom. They sat on stones outside. I think he did that for three years or so. This is probably why he is good at explaining things.

Not only am I improving my Spanish, but Antonio has been very gracious in explaining some of the cultural systems at work. For example, he told me he was invited to an opening party for the local fair that started this week. I asked if his wife went too, and he explained that unless you are very old, husbands and wives never go out to social functions together, unless it is a family event. This came up because I asked Antonio how to say "date", since Sue and I are having Thursday date nights. Cita is the word for a date for unmarried couples, he explained, and noche libre is for married couples. This sort of information is priceless.

On our way to school, Antonio always crosses himself at the same place in the road each day. I asked him what was so special about that place, and he explained that most drivers will cross themselves as they are about to leave town. He just picked this place as "leaving town".

If you're looking for airport transportation for San Miguel de Allende, give Antonio a call. (He's also a great driver.)

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