Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hang-out day

We're getting into a new kind of laid-back rhythm for us here in San Miguel. Is it the culture? The climate? Not sure. But it feels really comfortable.

We started our day with our Saturday tradition of Chocoloate y Churros at St. Augustines. I had a yummy chilaquiles con pollo y huevos en salsa verde - tortilla chips cooked in green salsa with chicken and a fried egg on top, as well as a fresh squeezed vegetable drink of carrots, beets, celery and a few other things. Tasty!

We had planned to go to a garage sale before meeting Adrianna and her son Nicholas for a tennis lesson at a nearby hotel, but ran out of time and went to the tennis lesson instead. Sue and the kids went to a garage sale while I was away, and really enjoyed it. (Things are so inexpensive here that going to a garage sale seems redundant, but I'll reserve judgment until I actually go to one.)

The tennis lesson was great. Bryce, Laurel and Nicholas had an instructor (Señor Cruz) to themselves. It was on a clay court, which is unusual in the USA. They played for an hour, and Señor Cruz had Bryce hitting one-handed forehands and backhands, something he hadn't done before. Our teacher had limited English, which is OK with me. Nicholas is totally bilingual, and he taught Bruce and Laurel to say "da me otro" - or "give me another". The kids were pretty tired after an hour. The cost was $7.50 per kid, and with three kids it was a great deal.

Tennis lesson en Español

The rest of the day was the "hang out" part. We got ice cream for the kids, then went to Parque Juarez and chatted with the various members of our Gringo family club throughout the afternoon. We probably spent three hours there.

Laurel and the bubble lady in Parque Juarez

As we left, we got a tour of Anne from Baltimore's parent's house, which was really cool. It had three floors, a jacuzzi, and a really neat interior design. It was still indoor-outdoor like the other houses I've seen. I'd like to see more houses as I am here, since I really enjoy living outside.

On the way home, we stopped at Tortitlan, and got some amazingly good Tortas - Mexican sandwiches - to bring home. Tortitlan is known for their tortas and agua frescas (fruit drinks). Mine had chicken, cheese, chorizo and sauteed vegetables. Yum!

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