Wednesday, September 2, 2009

there's a mouse in our house

Yesterday morning as Bryce was heading out the door to school he turned around and fished out of his mouth yet another tooth. Albeit I had just given him one of those hard cookies that you purchase at La Pasteleria as a bribe, but that's another story I'll relay at a later time. He was jumping up and down with excitement as this is the second tooth he had lost in Mexico which means a little mouse will be sneaking in our house tonight. In Mexico as in most of South America, a mouse does tooth fairy duty. He is called "el ratoncito de los dientes". Children leave their tooth in a special box on their nightstand with the hope that El Raton, the magic mouse, will exchange the tooth for money. I lost a little of this in translation and thought the tooth was to be put in a shoe. So Bryce laid his tooth to rest in an Altoid box and placed it in his new shoes by his bed. Luckily, El Ratoncito is very smart and has great manual dexterity as he found the tooth and left 20 pesos. That's about $1.50, so not a bad haul for Brycito. Que suerte!

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