Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cultura Clash

As we strolled into town today, after getting our traditional weekend Churros y Chocolate, we arrived at the Jardin to find two cool things happening - at the same time! To me, it was a quintessential Christopher Columbus moment.

Representing Spain, in the middle of the Jardin was a great five-piece Cuban salsa band, with many Mexicans dancing. They were really good, and lots of people were watching.

Representing the Indians (do they call them "Native Mexicans" here?), about 100 feet away from the musicians, were about 60 (presumably) Aztec dancers, complete with drums, incense, and huge feather headdresses and costumes. This was also great fun to watch. Sue took some awesome photos:

Dancing Aztec style

Aztec goddess

Little drummer boy

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