Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Laurel's haircut

Behold the new Laurel:

Laurel's haircut

Sue finally convinced laurel to try a shorter hair style, which will probably free up about five hours a week from having to manage Laurel's extremely thick hair. I think it came out nice! $15 including tip.

She got her haircut in a mall on the outskirts of town. Yes, there are actually malls here, but the locals never go to them. This particular one has an Office Depot. Antonio's philosophy is that if he were running the government, there would be no malls, since people could just go to Queretaro 30 miles away to get what they need. Selfishly, I'm happy to have an Office Depot here. But everything else there we could probably do without - especially the McDonald's. It seemed like most of the people in the mall were Americans, and with the exception of our haircut, everything was pretty expensive. The mall was nice though - you can see it in the background of the picture above.

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