Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Second day of school

Bryce and Laurel came home today ravenous. I think they had a big day at school, but it was hard to tell because they were wiped out. Bryce especially seemed really zonked.

Margarita made us some yummy chicken mole enchiladas for lunch, and the kids had chicken soup and quesadillas. Now they are chilling out watching TV (Spanish kids shows).

I'm hoping all of the sudden they will start just speaking spanish naturally. They are certainly getting a good immersion experience. Probably 50% of the kids at school speak only spanish, 30% are bilingual, and 20% are mostly english. Laurel sits next to a girl that speaks only spanish, and it seems the girl is helping Laurel. Bryce is less communicative about his days, although he dos tell us about recess time, and some of the physical stuff he did. It seems like they are having fun though. They have a good attitude about school so far.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a wonderful experience. Thank you so much for sharing. Please send pictures on a frequent basis.
