Sunday, August 30, 2009

Salsa Mexicana and Independence Month

Around town, there are lots of vendors selling all sorts of green, white and red paraphernalia for celebrating the Independencia, or independence day. This isn't until September 15, but apparently there is a lot of opportunity for pre-partying. And I imaging post-partying too. Bryce and Laurel have become experts at getting their birthday extended into a birthday week, but the Mexicans are able to extend their celebration day for an entire month!

Speaking of the Indepencencia, on my car ride with Antonio today, we got to discussing one of our favorite subjects: food. In San Miguel, they call Salsa Mexicana what we know as Pico de Gallo. It's a salsa of tomatoes, onions and cilantro. The reason they call it Salsa Mexicana is that it has all the colors of the Mexican flag: red, green and white. How cool is that!

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