Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday night in town

We purposely laid low this afternoon in anticipation of an evening of fun in town. We left for a restaurant called Pueblo Viejo, and had yet another killer meal, including a mexican fondue with tequila, another awesome caesar salad, and a melange of beef, chorizo, peppers, cheese and nopales (cactus) in a raised hot iron dish. (Unfortunately, I forgot the name, but it was yummy!)

After dinner, we hung out in the Jardin (main square) for a while. The kids got these light-up flying saucers for about $2 each, and were launching them up in the air along with many other kids. I did a little glow poi in the square, and had a few people ask me where I got the glow poi from. One kid threw me money, but I told him to take it back since I didn't want to turn professional yet.

There were more sporadic fireworks, and a lot of people in the Jardin, but it appeared that the kids were getting tired so we returned home at 9:30 and watched a little more fireworks from the house. It seems all the fireworks ended at 10:30 or so.

1 comment:

  1. Dude you already are a POI pro! Something to yet again add to your resume!
