Tuesday, August 18, 2009


As we did our afternoon adventure today, we had two goals: get everything we need for hand-squeezed lime margaritas, and find some chocolate.

For the margaritas, we bought a bottle of Herradura Silver, and some Cointreau at a nice liquor store in the center of town. Later that night, we attempted to duplicate the Margaritas from Tommy's restaurant in SF, but we need to work on the recipe. Sue and U squeezed about 80 limes and saved the juice, since it seems we are starting to use limes everywhere.

For chocolate, the guys at the liquor store recommended a store called Bonanza. It seemed like a regualr grocery store, but when we explored a bit, it turns out they had a decent selection of organic stuff, including some real granola and Oat Milk, which delighted me. We also got some organic crema de cacahuate, which appeared to be like peanut butter, but tasted like Halvah. Actually not bad, but I'm not sure the kids will go for it.

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