Thursday, August 13, 2009


tired travelers

After a long journey (4 hour plane ride, 4 hour car ride), we arrive at our new house tired but excited. The driver has a hard time finding the house. It's on "Privado del Foro", which our driver insists is the same as "Cerrada del Foro", but it turns out they are different side streets. A call to the house clears it up.

Our home is interesting - a lot different than anywhere else I've "lived" before. It's very much outdoor living, one part of the house is separated by a courtyard, and there are several outdoor tables for eating, projects etc. Our deck and living room have a great view over town and the mountains beyond.

We meet our landlady, Margaret, who is very nice and welcoming. We get the scoop about washing vegetables thoroughly, and not drinking the tap water or brushing your teeth with it. She also tells us Margarita, our cook/cleaning lady, will do everything but clean clothes, which is a little disappointing for Sue.

1 comment:

  1. I sincerely hope that Sue has found a lavadaria that does wash and fold!! When I spent that summer in Morelia I got addicted to how nicely my laundry turned out from a local shop...sounds like you guys are having a blast and a great learning experience. xxoo Maria, Stefan and the kids
