Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Afternoon shopping with Bryce & a sunset

In spite of the non-materialistic nature of our adventure and the Rudolph Steiner school, Bryce still loves to shop. This afternoon, we took a walk down to the Artesian area, and bought some small gifts to give to my mom when I return. We then got some ice cream and hung out in the Jardin for a bit.

The sunset tonight was great. We all hung out on the front porch and talked. I had some sipping Tequila, and Sue made herself a margarita. As we chatted, the kids told us they like school. Bryce's only complaint was about the bathroom. Laurel said she is making friends with a couple of girls that speak no English.

I think things are going well for them after two days, especially given the language and cultural challenges.

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