Friday, August 21, 2009


Today Bryce and I went to the Telcel "Customer Service" center to get our cell phones registered and operational. The whole process was rather efficient and friendly. I brought my passport, and in 10 minutes or so we had working cell phones. One of the customer service reps even helped me figure out how to unlock the phone.

When I returned home, I had the challenge of navigating configuration menus in Spanish - on two different phones. As most of my Spanish vocabulary revolves around food and shopping, this was a little harder than normal, but with the help of a Spanish dictionary I was able to set ring tones, get the clocks set properly, and add a few contacts.

Our phones are definitely a step down from the iPhone, but they are small, cute and functional. Bryce has already laid claim to them for his "electronics collection" once we return to the states.

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