Friday, August 14, 2009

Fireworks at Night

At 9 PM Friday night, we heard some loud noises, and saw some beautiful fireworks over one part of town. The kids were thrilled. They went to bed at 10:00, but were sort of restless, which was a good thing because at 11:15, another fireworks show started right over the center of town, and we had a great view from our deck. Not many places have fireworks shows so late at night, but for here that's nothing. At 4:15 AM, I was awakened by more loud noises, so I woke Bryce and we looked over town to see even MORE fireworks, but just the loud, noisy kind. Apparently this is a signal that a big fiesta is about to happen, so Saturday night will likely be even more festive. Can't wait...

Here's a photo taken from our house:

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