Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

Well the first day of school was interesting to say the least. Not being totally familiar with the Waldorf rituals, I'm not sure how much of this could be attributed to Rudolph Steiner or pure Mexico history and culture. Nonetheless, families were encourage to be present for an all school ceremony in which the new and Kindergarten children stepped up as new students. First they were introduced by their teachers and then led down a stone path, across a wooden balance beam, under a flowing rainbow flag, and then handed a beautiful red rose. Then, each teacher has something different to say about their class and what they wished for the school year to come. Some did this with a story, others with a backpack full of visual presentations such as a measuring tape, saw, and heavy weights. The kids were enthralled. Afterwords, the parents and teachers found partners and then joined hands to form a long arched gateway in which each kid then walked down towards their new class. Most of this was in Spanish so it was a challenge to our whole family but the overall feeling was one of feeling welcomed and comfortable. One hour after arriving in school, the door was shut to Bryce and Laurel's classroom and we left till the 2:30 pickup. Phew!!!

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