Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mealtimes in Mexico

We're trying to assimilate as much as possible here, and that includes meal times. Most spanish speaking countries have a siesta time in the afternoon, and so far this seems to work well for us. Here's how the daily schedule is operating, more or less:

8:00 AM or so: Wake up and eat breakfast.
10:30: Do our big adventure of the day.
3:00: Have lunch/dinner.
3:30: Siesta/quiet time.
6:00: afternoon adventure
8:00: Final snack/ice cream for the kids.
9:00: Bedtime for the kids.
1:00 AM: Bedtime for Bill.

I am managing to work between 8:30 and 10:00, during afternoon siesta time, and then at night after everyone has gone to bed. Once the kids are in school, I think we can maintain a similar schedule. At home in SF, the kids come home from school really hungry, so why not have dinner at 3:00 instead of a snack, and then dinner later?? We'll see how it goes, but I'm optimistic.

Besides, it's better to eat two meals a day instead of three.

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