Tuesday, November 10, 2009


As an entrepreneur, I'm always interested to see other people building businesses no matter how small. On my daily walks into town, I pass quite a few little stores (which I call Tienditas) which would never otherwise exist in the USA. If you own a house here, you likely have some road-front access, so why not open a little grocery store or something? There are no 7-Elevens here, but the gap is filled by the seemingly endless supply of mom-and-pop (or usually just mom) stores that sprout up everywhere.

We have four of these tienditas very close to our house. The other day Sue wanted some aspirin, and I was able to go and buy pills for one peso each. We also needed butter, but none of the stores had any. Go figure.

Anyway - here's a few tiendita photos I took recently to give you the flavor:

Papeleria - or paper store. There are lots of papelerias in town.

Fresh juices and more in the Centro - the smallest store I have ever seen.

One of the stores by our house. A little paint, some posters, and you're in business!

Groceries, toner cartridge refilling, and more!

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