Friday, November 13, 2009

Blog Fans

Colleen, being ever so gracious, remarked to me that she has really enjoyed this blog, and in talking to her today it was a little spooky how much she already knew about our life here. Then today, as I was getting a little poi exercise in a plaza by the house, a man on a roof waved to me and said "is that poi spinning?". I said yes, then he asked me "are you here for 129 days?". It turns out this was Jim from N.C., who somehow found the blog and has left some comments. He also knew some details of our life here, including the fact that school is sort of far away. I've also had some feedback from other people - directly and indirectly - who have said they are enjoying reading about our adventure.

It's a strange feeling having people know things about your life, that normally they wouldn't know. But it's also fun to hear people appreciating your work. I can imagine what a thrill it is for successful book authors to have thousands or millions of fans (not that I have those aspirations). But this is an unexpected side effect of the adventure here - a new feeling I've never had before. And hearing nice things from friends and strangers feels great. Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bill. We are enjoying your blog immensely. You are living the dream! Enjoy! We are glad you had a great's one of our favorites too! I'm reading tonight with my daughter, Rania (another of Laurel's friends from KDBS who is awaiting her return to 2B!)
