Monday, November 2, 2009

It's More Fun to Be Buried in Mexico

Today is the second half of the Day of the Dead celebration. The first day is for children who have died, and the second is for the adults. Many people recommended that we visit a cemetery today, so Bryce and I went to the Panteon. I assumed there was just one, but the cab driver told us there were four in town, and we picked one we knew about - Panteon de Guadelupe.

Inside the cemetery, it was lively, and colorful and well... fun! There were fresh flowers everywhere, and tons of people. Many grave sites had what looked to be family reunions at them. In several places, groups of musicians were playing songs to their departed friends.

Colorful grave sites

There was an American section in this cemetery as well, which was quite the contrast. All the gravestones were the same, and there were a few flowers on them, but the scene was solemn - more like what we expect:

Quiet in the American Area

Another area was for the cremated, which also had a lot of flowers and offerings in various cubbyholes. One cube had a couple of beers placed in front of it, and two mariachis were playing a song to it. The musician told me it was his cousin.

The cremation cubes

Rather than mourning death, people here are celebrating life, which to me is a much better philosophy.

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