Friday, November 20, 2009

The Revolution was not Televised

Today is the Mexican Revolution day (November 20). I'm working on developing my Fiesta-radar, but it's still not quite perfect.

This morning, I was working on a computer project on my patio. Most projects you can stop and return to, but this particular one was such that once it started, I had to finish, otherwise a portion of our entire business would be in a total state of disrepair. There was apparently a military parade today, and I was told that a lot of the local schoolkids marched as well. I heard it all from my outdoor office, but when I finally finished working and got into town, all the festivities were done. Oh well.

I figured that maybe there would be fireworks later, but that was also not to be. Nevertheless, we had a great day for completely different reasons.

Update: Scott sent me some great photos of the parade:

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