Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kids Rodeo

Adriana invited us to a local "kids rodeo" today, which was also a benefit for her school. We weren't quite sure what to expect, but it sounded like fun, so we were in!

We met Tjasa, Scott and family, and drove out to the rodeo ring by the Deportivo - the local sports complex. Inside, there must have been 500 people or so, and a lot of the families we have gotten to know. A Mariachi band was providing the musical accompaniment to the events. Kids were everywhere. It was pretty lively.

The rodeo had different events, mostly featuring young contestants (as young as nine years old). Some girls were doing skill riding in formations - sidesaddle! There was a "pull the cow's tail while he's running and make him wipe out" event. And a "rope a running horse by the feet" contest. And a few other things. We stayed for about half the event, which was enough to appreciate the cultural experience. Scott sent me some more of his awesome photos:

Sidesaddle riding girls

Cool kid

Pulling-the-cow's-tail event

After about two hours of games with cows and horses, the kids were ready to be active, so we went to the playground at the Deportivo - the local sports center - which was adjacent to the rodeo. I was unaware that there existed any other playground options besides Parque Juarez. This playground had some interesting apparatuses, and were in decent shape. There is also a running track, a covered outdoor basketball court, a couple of soccer fields, and something which looked like a miniature jai-alai fronton. The mountains in the distance looked great from the park. Bryce and Finn discovered a new gravity-defying gizmo, and proceeded to test it's limits, as Scott captured nicely here:

Bryce and Finn playing with the laws of physics

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