Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Kids go to Tuesday Market

This is Colleen and Jacqueline's last morning here, and the one thing left on our must-see list was Tuesday market. Sue got the stomach virus thing that Bryce had yesterday, so she was unable to go. And Bryce was complaining a little of intestinal issues, but I think it was also the fact that Laurel was missing school today to go to Tuesday market, and he was scheduled to have his own day next week. Nevertheless, both our kids stayed home from school, and Bryce rallied, so we all went to check it out - without Sue.

It's a great time for the whole family. Laurel likes to shop, and Bryce LOVES to shop. Colleen and Jacqueline did their fair share of purchasing too. We looked for a specific type of pottery for Colleen, and found one booth, but the vendor ladies couldn't give me a good answer if the pottery had lead in it, or if it was safe to put on the stove or oven, so we didn't buy any. The kids bought some toys. I got some fresh ceviche, chili and lime garbanzo beans, and a couple of other small things. We also got lunch at a taco stand where they made the tortillas fresh right there. Laurel ate a meat taco, Jacqueline had a quesadilla, and Colleen and I shared a couple of tacos - which were delicious. The girls were particularly enthralled with the tortilla making process - a woman would press the tortilla dough, then cook them right there, next to us, after which they would become a part of a yummy taco.

Girls at the taco stand

The whole scene is pretty crazy. There were musicians next to us playing songs, and all sorts of stuff for sale, as always. One new thing to me was the mobile beekeeper - this was a guy with a wheelbarrow containing honey, bee pollen, and honeycombs. Some of the bees from the original hive were tagging along.

Everyone had a great morning.

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