Monday, September 28, 2009


Today happened to be a day where Sue, Laurel and Bryce all got their first taste of extracurricular activities.

Sue is signed up for Spanish classes at the Warren Hardy school. It looks like she will go three times a week, for three hours a day for the next two weeks - and then beyond. She had a good class today, and met Sandy from Florida who seemed really nice.

Bryce is doing a math tutoring session with an amazing couple who have started schools and such, yet have been living here twenty years. The husband is really good, and Bryce got to learn how to play 21 and dominoes today, and he had a great time. He is doing two hour sessions twice a week.

Laurel had her first acro-dance class at GravityWorks, a local circus school. I took her there and watched. The teacher was phenomenal, as they learned dance moves and combined it with gymnastics tumbling. In spite of getting a bloody nose during one of the moves, Laurel had a great time, and is psyched to go back. There were just four girls in the class - all from our school. (Apparently every other private school in town has tons of homework, so the Los Charcos kids are disproportionally represented in after-school activities.)

And Bill almost had a class today too. It turns out the circus school does a weekly poi/staff spinning class, and I was dying to meet the teacher, but alas she was sick today, so I'll have to wait a week. I'm curious to see if I will be able to hook up with any other poi spinners while I'm here. They are definitely out there.

1 comment:

  1. I read about Laurels class, I was ready to suggest that you enroll immediately, but alas, you had already contemplated that!! sounds like you guys are having a great time
