Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sounds of San Miguel de Allende

It can certainly be said that San Miguel is a much photographed, sketched, and painted town. It’s brilliantly colored walls and doors, brightly hued flowers, Spanish architecture, and quaint streets lend to this gringo obsession. What I wonder is if anyone has ever captured the sounds of San Miguel? As I compose this email at 6 PM sitting out on our deck above town with the early winter sun setting over the Las Picachos Mountain Range my ears are attuned the following cacophony: the reciprocal barking of a pack of rooftop dogs, the crowing of a few roosters, the rumble of cars making their way up bumpy Cuesta San Jose, a male tom cat looking for a female conquest, the elote (or grilled corn) man calling out his wares as he wanders up the callejons of Colonia Azteca, the whoosh of the birds as they buzz our house on their way down to the Parque Juarez trees for night roosting, the 5:53 church bells (I think the bell ringer needs a new watch) and of course a few loud fireworks. Oh, and I think I can hear a goat...who keeps a goat in the city? If it was early in the day I would most certainly hear the clanging on the metal bar warning the maids that the trash truck is coming, the shrill whistle of the traveling knife sharpener man, the blaring loud speaker message of the gas delivery company, and if I’m lucky the hee haw of the donkeys as the make their way down the cobblestone streets to deliver soil or wood. All in a day of a life in San Miguel de Allende.

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