Sunday, December 13, 2009

Roger and Rosanna's Blues Party

When I called Roger and thanked him for the school thank-you party at his house a couple of nights ago, he said "Party? That wasn't a party. That was just a get-together." He wasn't kidding.

Today they had a brunch fundraiser at their amazing house for the school and some of his musician friends. They put it together in a couple of days, and must have had 70 people, with plenty of food and a great blues band, including one of the amazing guys who played at his house the other night. This was a party.

As it was mostly an adult event, we had Rocio come and watch our kids, along with Sam and Anne's three kids, Fernando and Liz's two kids, and Nicholas, Adrianna's son - eight in all. We got to enjoy the food, company, music, and their amazing house during the daytime. Plus, Sue won a ceramic painted sun in the raffle. Not bad.

Debra, Liz, Fernando, Sam, Anne and Sue on the deck

Our host, Roger

Rosanna, our hostess

Not to be outdone by the parents, the kids had a rager of their own. Rocio made them pancakes, they watched a Spy Kids movie, and then had some kind of crazy tag game going on inside the house as I returned. But to top it off, Panchito the neighborhood falcon, was trapped in our dining room. I never quite got the story of how he got in there, and Rocio was scared of him, but I was able to open the patio door and show him the exit.

Panchito hanging our in our dining room

Rocio - bless her - then took all the kids for a 45 minute walk to the El Charco Ingenio nature preserve up the street while the adults just chilled and talked in our living room. Then Rocio cleaned up as we all exited to our next adventure. She is amazing.

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